Friday, June 7, 2013


There are only 20 more days left until we leave! It seems the closer we get to leaving, the longer the days are. We have gotten almost everything completely ready to go (oil change, replacing every filter you could imagine, etc.). Now our water hose is having a blow-out every few days and being on an electric reel we are anticipating it will be difficult to replace. We are guessing that the manufacturers must have thought the water hose was going to last forever because it is located behind a panel we have no hope in getting off without messing up other connections (water, etc.). I'm thinking we will have to cut an opening in the panel you see below to gain access to the reel. It is also hard to find a day we are both off work to permanently fix it, so duct tape will have to hold that last bulge together until we can get to it. I'm sure the few 100+ degree days aren't helping the impossibly cheap water hose work properly.
It is now on the list of "things to do before we leave", along with washing all the caliche and dust off this poor motorhome. Although it did actually rain last night/this morning, it did not come close to knocking off all the dirt.
Living in Midland, TX has taught us that it is no less windy and is definitely more dusty than in Lubbock, and therefore things don't stay clean (living behind a cement plant doesn't help either). So, with the dusty, hot, windy days ahead, we are dreaming of clean air, mountains, and wildlife.

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