Saturday, October 5, 2013

Onion Creek/Thompson Canyon

Day 4 Jeepin' started a bit earlier, haha! We were planning on making a large loop by taking Onion Creek up to Fisher Valley Ranch and from there to Thompson Canyon/Polar Mesa. Sean was really looking forward to Onion Creek because the book description told us he counted 22 creek crossings!

Onion Creek got its name due to a sulphur-like smell that emanates from the creek at a certain area where there is a natural spring. I counted 32 water crossings in all. Not sure where the book got only 22...

Thompson Canyon wasn't as exciting, but it offered very nice views!

Sean's Lion King recreation, haha!
That's when it started to rain on us, so we were trying to hurry through the bad areas before it got too slick. Luckily, it only sprinkled on and off for a while, and before we knew it we were headed back home.

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