Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Aug, 25th: We made plans the previous night to go to the local museums about mid-morning the next day with Brian and Patti. It felt great to sleep in, though when I stretched out to shake the sleepiness I noticed a bunch of sore spots from kayaking, haha!

Our first stop was to Remembering Old Valdez Exhibit. This showcased everything to do with the old Valdez townsite before, during, and after the earthquake in 1964.

Sean and I noticed a vehicle that went past us with a familiar logo on it. To be sure we were seeing correctly, we stalked the vehicle a little ways where it parked at the docks. Who would have know? It's one of The Milepost staff! Sean and I introduced ourselves, and got to chatting with the couple. Apparently the lady has worked for The Milepost since the 1970s.

Next, once we caught back up to Brian and Patti, we were going to the Valdez Museum and Historical Archive where Sean and Brian were interested to see the oil pipeline exhibit. There was a lighthouse lens on display from Cape Hinchinbrook. The lighthouse was damaged by an earthquake and then rebuilt. The lens old lens is made of brass with 68 glass prisms and weighs a total of 1,600 pounds. Using an incandescent oil vapor lamp as its light source, the light had a candle power of 234,000 which could be seen for a distance of 22 miles.

Sean took Patti and I to the Seafood Market to pick out his halibut that he was going to eat later. We found him a good looking one pound steak!

Sean and I dropped Patti back at their RV, so they could get ready to go fishing while we lounged around, haha! Once we had a short nap, we loaded up and headed over to see how their luck was going. Just as we pulled up, Patti's fishing line started darting and soon she pulled up their 4th silver salmon of the afternoon! They caught 4 that day, and a total of 6 all-in-all for 2 days work. One of these guys were soon to be our dinner!

We helped load up the catch and then we were to meet up back at the RV park to start cooking. But, Sean and I got sidetracked by "old faithful" who was back at it in Crooked Creek, and this time he had a friend!

Sean and I started the steak while Patti and Brian started the fish. There were 2 different fish we were eating: halibut and silver salmon. This is where Sean had to hold up his end of the bargain and eat the fish, since Patti and Brian both ate tabasco peppers. He tried both fish without any fuss and actually ended up liking the halibut quite a bit!

Once we finished a fabulous dessert of real canned (by Patti) peaches and ice cream, we walked around a bit and found this giant boat...and a homemade RV...

We bid each other good night and we were off to bed!

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