Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lake City's July 4th Celebration

July 4th started out a bit slow, with breakfast eaten outside under the awning and everyone gathering their  camping chairs and making sack lunches to take for the parade and July 4th festivities. Luckily, Grana brought 14 small American Flags that we used to decorate our vehicles with the night before. Sarah and I were having a contest to see how many flags we could fit on each of our Jeeps. Their Jeep has a long CB whip antenna on the back bumper, and it was kind of hilarious watching the thing whip around with the flag on it. We got a total of 3 attached to our Jeep, and Sarah got 2 on their Jeep. On the way to downtown Lake City, we lost one of our flags due to a defect that we tried to fix with duct tape. Apparently, that didn't work so well...and, unfortunately, I guess I forgot to take a picture of the vehicles with their costumes on...

Once we found a place to park, we found a great spot to see the parade pass right by us. I took a 20 minute video of the parade, but it is a huge file. Otherwise, I would post it here for all to see. I do, however, have pictures of the event. It is a compilation of pictures from Sarah, Grana, Grandma Carol, Tammy, and I.

We had lots of fun during the parade. Many of the local businesses, police & fire departments, and a summer camp participated in the parade. We loaded up on a ton of candy, a few beef jerky packets (from a local store), and a plastic 4th of July decorated fan. After the parade, the local museum hosted a reading of the Declaration of Independence.

After the parade and the reading of the Declaration of Independence, everyone gathered around the park where the rest of the 4th festivities were to take place. The city blocked off traffic to that area to allow local vendors to set up shop with crafts, food, and more. We had some family save a prime spot of real estate under a pine tree to set our chairs to watch and participate in the "races." There was a foot race, sack race, wiffle ball throw, shoe kick, generations race, balloon toss, and egg toss. I believe everyone in our group participated in at least one event.

Sean, Scott, and I decided that Mini Golf that we saw down the road sounded fun, so we packed up our things and headed over that way. It was closed, unfortunately, so we decided to head out to San Christobal Lake after we take Molly to the motorhome and let out Scott, Tammy, and Grandma Carol's dogs. Once Molly got home, she was out like a light!

Lake San Christobal was very neat. It is nestled in the mountains just outside of Lake City. Sean and I were wanting to go kayaking, but they decided to close down as well, so we just made our way back to the motorhome after taking pictures.

That evening after some awesome hamburgers made by Rory, Sarah's husband, we celebrated Sarah's birthday a few days early, the night before they were to leave.

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