Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Illusive Part

July 24th: We were hoping that the shop had found our radiator and were having it shipped, but we soon found out this was not the case. So, Sean jumped in with both feet to find our radiator and call the place to figure out if they could ship it as quickly as possible.

Well, by Friday, July 26th, we still had not gotten the shipping figured out because there was no cheap way to ship the 150 lbs. radiator to Whitehorse. We found  a solution Monday, July 29th. The parts place were overnight shipping the radiator to Anchorage, AK where we would be driving ~700 miles one-way to pick it up with the Jeep and head back Tuesday, July 30th. Talk about a marathon drive, 1400 miles round trip! It was this plan, or sit around in Whitehorse for another 2 weeks waiting for the radiator.

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